Sheer Lunar-cy: Tet in Ho Chi Minh City Part 2
Chuc Mung Nam Moi! A happy Lunar New Year to you, dear reader! Apologies for this disgracefully belated greeting and lack of chronicles since my first Sheer Lunar-cy Tet chronicle, which of course, you've already read - if not, click here ! But this Empress has been busy, busy, busy ...... away over the Vietnamese Tet Lunar holidays. Yes, that’s right. A current resident of Saigon, Post-Tet I should now be regaling you my anecdotes and experiences about yet another Vietnamese Lunar New Year and all the festivities that go with it. About the grand New Year’s Eve celebrations in downtown Saigon, the jam-packed streets clogged with motorbikes, the staged concerts with live performances by Vina pop stars, attended by massive local crowds and the obligatory 15-minute midnight firework displays. About the celebrated Nguyen Hue Flower Street, which every year opens just before Tet and runs for around seven days into the new luna...